Parish Child Safeguarding Representatives

Diocesan Representatives:

Fr. Pat Malone

Co. Clare
Tel: (086) 809 6074

Ms.Chris Lemass
Co. Tipperary
Tel: (086) 809 6027

Local Representatives: Maura McCaffrey, Margaret Byrnes

The Diocese has two Designated Persons for this role Keeping Children Safe

The role of the Local Representatives is to set up and oversee the implementation of Keeping Children Safe in the parish.It involves working cooperatively with the priest and with any adult who is in contact with children/young people under the age of 18 using parish facilities.

The Local Reps ensure that all who work wit children provide the following

  • Written parental consent for all young people involved in a particular activity.
  • Complete Self Declaration Form
  • Ensure adequate adult supervision
  • Have a facility for recording any substantial incident that may occur during the activity.

The Local Reps. also ensure that a Keeping Children Safe Policy Statement is in place and displayed in parish churches and parish halls.